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GO Gurnee Walking Club

Sat, March 22, 2025

Join the GO Gurnee Walking Club at Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve (1275 Gilgare Lane, Lake Forest)!

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Directions/Walk Details: Some gravel, some paved. Mostly flat except if you want to walk down the hill to the edge of Lake Michigan (and then back up again). 2 inter-connecting loops. One is 2 miles plus another mile for a total of 3 miles. Besides the beach at Lake Michigan, this hike will take us past a National Cemetery, a human-sized Red-Tailed Hawk’s nest, and much more. About 50% shaded. Pets welcome. Restrooms available.

Not a Walking Club member? Join for FREE today!

Date & Time
Sat, March 22, 2025
Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve
1275 Gilgare Lane
Lake Forest, IL 60045